Because we live in a metropolitan area, wildlife removal in Charlotte NC can be challenging. Even though there are streets, homes, and businesses everywhere you look, the animals were here first. In fact, many are reluctant to move on to a safer environment. So if you can’t get them to leave your Charlotte-area property, you may need someone qualified in wildlife removal to take care of it for you.
Wildlife and Their Ecosystem
If you have various forms of wildlife living on your property and they aren’t causing any damage, we see no reason to upset the ecosystem. After all, nature tends to balance things out without human intervention – most of the time. If you’re fortunate enough, a hawk or two residing in the area will often effectively perform squirrel exclusion or some form of wildlife removal in Charlotte – quite naturally.
Many wildlife animals are deterrents, or flat out predators, for other members in the animal kingdom. It’s problematic that urbanization encroaches on natural animal habitats with houses and buildings, causing increasing instability to the ecosystem as it becomes imbalanced. And the more imbalanced it becomes, the greater the odds are that it becomes an issue that ends in property damage to your home. That’s why there is an increasing demand for wildlife removal in Charlotte NC.
Deciding on Wildlife Removal in Charlotte NC
Many homeowners that have damage from wildlife are conflicted about taking steps to secure their property. As compassionate humans, we tend to view animals as innocent creatures that we should protect from harm. We believe in the preservation of animals when we absolutely have to intervene, therefore we do it as humanely as possible. Any wildlife we capture is relocated (if permitted by law), so that it has an opportunity to take up residence in an area that isn’t populated.
Deciding to pursue wildlife removal in Charlotte NC should be weighed against whether it is possible to exclude the animal. Sadly, exclusion isn’t always practical when there is an infestation. It isn’t unusual to find that squirrels have become so overpopulated in a community, that excluding them is an exercise in futility. The minute you block them from entering your home through existing chewed holes, they just chew new points of entry and increase the damages to your home.
Wildlife Removal in Charlotte NC – A Case Study

This picture comes from a particular case where the homeowner had a squirrel infestation at his Davis Lake home in Charlotte. Initially, they hired us to repair squirrel chew that could easily be seen from the ground. When we got on ladders, there were several holes into the fascia, soffit, attic, and roof. This poor man had a serious problem!
Initially he just wanted us to take exclusion measures and repair the holes along with the resulting wood rot. The damages were so severe and numerous that it took several weeks to make the repairs. And even though there was daily activity around the perimeter of the home, the squirrels began to chew back into the fresh repairs before we even had a chance to complete them all. He was forced to have us perform wildlife removal on his property.
During the course of the repairs, we discovered that he had squirrel damage to the house wiring in the attic as well. The shorted wiring could have easily caught the house on fire. These persistent little critters had caused substantial and costly damage. So much in fact, that he stopped the wildlife removal process before the squirrel population had been sufficiently thinned, citing the financial burden.
A few months after repairs were completed, he called us to repair a new hole chewed into the roof! Like many homeowners we’ve served over the years, he had to learn the hard way that the most effective wildlife removal in Charlotte NC is to keep relocating them until the infestation has been completely displaced to a more appropriate environment.