About Us.
Leaders in effective squirrel removal results!
When your home has a squirrel infestation, we’re the ones to call.
Having over 30 years in the home maintenance industry, we found a recurring issue. When squirrels invade your home through your roof, attic, or eaves, they do damage. We’ve had customers that even suffered squirrel-chewed wiring.
It was disheartening to repair damage, implement exclusion barriers, and have homeowners call us weeks or months later with more damage. They couldn’t find a reliable or affordable squirrel removal company in Charlotte. Or any other surrounding town either!
This is exactly why we became certified North Carolina Wildlife Damage Control Agents. If you have squirrel damage, then you need an experienced local squirrel trapper that humanely relocates trapped squirrels. You need us to remove the squirrels before you fix the holes.